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One of ways I try to govern my life is by assignment.  Meaning, there are some things that I am supposed to be doing that will coincide with the overall vision for my life.  I believe that there is a higher plan for my life and I am to complete the assignments that arise in order to fulfill my destiny.  If life is like a puzzle, then assignments are like the puzzle pieces that work together to form this beautiful picture. Each piece (assignment) is valuable no matter how big or small.

Some assignments are like the end pieces of a puzzle that provide the overall frame and structure of the puzzle.  Some assignments are like the small, seemingly insignificant pieces in the middle of the puzzle that don’t make sense until other pieces are in place, or other assignments are complete.

We discover new assignments by 3 different ways:

1.) New Opportunities

Sometimes new assignments will be presented when new opportunities arise.  New assignments usually accompany new opportunities.

2.) Transition or Change

Another way to discover new assignments is through feeling the need for transition or change from your current experience.  That internal shift may be the indication that you are embarking on a new assignment.  What you were content with at one point in time doesn’t work for you any more and you begin to feel the need for something different.  Pay attention to that internal shift.

3.) Completed Assignments

When an assignment is complete, there is generally a new assignment waiting for you.  Completed assignments mark the end of one assignment but the beginning of the new assignment.


One thing we have to be aware of is our tendency to abandon assignments. Some people abandon assignment when:

a.) It gets hard (friction)

Sometimes you’re supposed to go through a process and through the difficulty because it is supposed to make you stronger.  Don’t allow difficulty to force you to abandon assignments

b.) It gets monotonous (boredom)

Boredom can set in when an assignment seems monotonous and there seems to be no progress.  Usually this is the time when we are fulfilling an assignment where our stick-to-it-tive-ness and faithfulness is being challenged.  We have to remain diligent in spite of perceived waste of time and know that this assignment will make sense at some point in time.  Don’t jump ship because of a monotonous assignment.

c.) Distraction

The grass always looks greener on the other side.  Have you ever been in traffic and the lane you were in simply wasn’t moving?  But, the lane next to you seems to have a steady flow. So, you change lanes only for your new lane to come to a halt.  At times in life, we “change lanes” because we get distracted.  We see someone else moving along just fine in their lane, and we abandoned our assignment because we like the progress being made in someone else’s lane assignment.  However, that lane change in life cost us valuable time and resources.  Stay in your lane.  Stay in your assignment.  It is working for you benefit.

Usually when a puzzle is completed, it gets framed and hung on a wall to show showcase the accomplishment.  What a tragedy it is for a person’s life puzzle to be incomplete due to abandoned assignments and it gets disqualified from being framed and hung on the walls of eternity.  COMPLETE YOUR ASSIGNMENTS!

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